
Concurso finalizado

Ya ha terminado el plazo para recibir vuestras fotos para el Superconcurso de verano :). Muchas gracias a tod@s los participantes.

En unos días, anunciaremos l@s ganadores. El estupendo ejemplar firmado por Stephenie os espera¡¡¡¡¡¡

Muchas gracias a tod@s. Sin vosotr@s no existiría este blog.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! Two weeks ago I came to Spain for live and I'm really enjoying here. Well, I'm from a little city (or village) named...Forks! In WA, USA. When I read Twilight for first ever (because I read Twilight about three or four evers) I said: Oh, my God, this book are in my city and the first female character calls like me! Isabella! Well, she is Isabella Marie Swan and I'm Isabella (my friends call me Bella) Stephanie (very same to Stephenie) Smith. And for more sorprese...do you know what my boyfriend's name? Yes...Edward!!! Edward Cavill!!! Like the possible actor roles Edward Cullen. I think this is the destiny...kisses and best wishes.


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